Effectiveness of biochar on degraded irrigated soils in Southeast Kazakhstan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2 Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing, Almalybak, Kazakhstan

3 Department “Standardization, certification and Metrology” Non_profit Joint_Stock Company” K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University



The article reports on field studies investigating the impact of different doses of birch biochar on the agro-physical and agrochemical properties of degraded irrigated soils in the Akdalinsky irrigation massif in Southeast Kazakhstan. Applying biochar at rates of 15-20 ton ha-1 as part of the primary soil treatment enhances soil bulk density. It increases the proportion of agriculturally valuable and water-stable aggregates in the plow layer. Notable improvements were observed in the content of labile humus and available phosphorus. These enhancements in soil properties lead to increased productivity in rice crop rotations due to both the immediate and residual effects of biochar application under moldboard plowing. Rice and spring wheat yields rise mainly due to improved tillering, while soybean yields benefit from increased pod formation.


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