Identification of the carriers of genes for resistance common bunt, Tilletia caries (DC) Tul. using molecular and breeding methods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abay Kazakh National pedagogical university, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2 Department of pre-university training, Faculty of pre-university education, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3 Higher School «Water, Land and Forest Resources Management», Institute of Agrotechnology, NJSC «West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan», Uralsk, Kazakhstan

4 Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences,Kazakh National Women's teacher training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

5 Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after O.Zhanibekov, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

6 Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University, Taraz, Kazakhstan

7 Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing, Almalybak, Kazakhstan



Common bunt, caused by Tilletia caries (DC) Tul., is a significant threat to wheat production worldwide. This study aimed to identify carriers of genes for resistance to common bunt in winter wheat using molecular and breeding methods, with the objective of developing high-yielding, disease-resistant varieties. Thirty winter wheat varieties and lines were evaluated for resistance to T. caries under field conditions in  Almaty region, Kazakhstan from 2021 to 2023. Resistance levels were assessed through visual inspection and phytopathological evaluation. Plant health was monitored using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) measurements. Agronomic characteristics, including plant height, ear length, and grain yield components, were analyzed. Correlation analysis was performed to identify relationships between various traits. Of the 30 samples tested, 70% showed complete resistance to common bunt, with 63.3% exhibiting 0% infection levels. A strong positive correlation (R = 0.987) was observed between the number of spikelets per ear and the number of grains, suggesting a potential avenue for yield improvement. NDVI measurements revealed significant variations in plant health throughout the growing season, with mean values ranging from 0.42 to 0.71. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of current breeding strategies in incorporating bunt resistance genes into wheat germplasm. The strong correlation between spikelet number and grain number provides a promising selection criterion for simultaneous improvement of yield and disease resistance. The findings contribute significantly to our understanding of common bunt resistance in winter wheat and offer valuable insights for future breeding programs aimed at developing resilient, high-yielding wheat varieties.


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