Ecophysiological indicators of growing some woody plants under irrigated conditions


1 Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Natural Science Institute, Department of Biology, Kazakhstan Almaty, St. Gogol, 114 k1

2 Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Natural Science Institute, Department of Chemistry, Kazakhstan Almaty, St. Gogol, 114 k1



Agrochemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers, are used in farming to promote plant growth and protection. While originally intended to increase yields, they have been found to have adverse effects on soil and water quality. The use of chemical inputs in agriculture significantly impacts plants and food chains. However, the ecological risks of these chemicals to the environment are often neglected. The objective of this study is to evaluate the ecophysiological indicators of juniper and apple trees under irrigated conditions. In this regard, juniper and apple trees were grown in the laboratory environment and agrochemical analysis was conducted on the soil of the test site. Since the relation of soil and water and their interaction with plant ecophysiological traits are major drivers of plant growth, these tests were conducted to obtain information that affects growing these species in the region of Almaty, Kazakhstan.


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