Preparation and characterization of cadmium (ll), zinc (ll) and copper (ll) ion complexes using new triazene ligands and study of their biological activity

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Babylon, Chemistry Department, College of Science for Women, Iraq



The synthesis of novel ligand was disclosed in this study. This ligand was synthesized from reaction between 4-amino anti pyrene and 6-amino penicillanic acid by triazene reaction. The ligand was identified by FT-IR, UV-Visible, HNMR, Mass spectroscopy reacting the ligand with salts of transition metals Cu, Zn, Cd (II) complexes and gave octahedral, hybridization sp3d2 complexes with a molar ratio (1:2) M:L Magnetic Para-Di complexes were produced using amoral ratio of metal chloride to ligand spectroscopic data used to establish the identity of ligand of their corresponding complexes by FT-IR, UV-VIS, atomic absorption, magnetic susceptibility and conductivity. The ligand and its complex exhibited biological activity. It gave good results in inhibiting gram positive Streptococcus bacteria.


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