Leading commodity development food crops in Jember District, Indonesia

Document Type : Research Paper


Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala, Indonesia



Determination of regional superior sectors and commodities is essential to accelerate regional economic development. Therefore, this study aims to: 1) determine the leading sector in Jember Regency; 2) determine the leading food commodity in this regency; 3) determine the profile of the leading commodity in it; 4) determine the leading food commodity center in the regency (5) determine the best way to develop superior commodities in it. This study uses secondary data on the Regional Gross Domestic Product (GRDP) of East Java Province and Jember Regency for the period 2017-2021 and data on the production of food commodities (rice, corn, soybeans, peanuts, cassava, and sweet potatoes) in the province and Kabupaten Jember for the period 2011–2021 from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in the province and BPS Jember. The analytical tools used are Location Quotient (LQ) and descriptive analysis. The results of the research show: 1) The leading sectors in Jember Regency are the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries sectors; Information and Communication; Government Administration, Defense, Social Security; Education Services; and Health Services and Social Activities; 2) the leading food commodity in Jember Regency is rice; 3) Jember Regency is one of the largest rice production centers in East Java with a production of 961,981 tons. Rice productivity in Jember Regency (61.04 kw) is already higher than rice productivity in East Java (56.47 kw); 4) Rice commodity centers in Jember Regency include 21 sub-districts out of 31 sub-districts, namely Mayang, Mumbulsari, Jenggawah, Ajung, Rambi Puji, Umbulsari, Semboro, Jombang, Sumberbaru, Embankment, Bangsalsari, Panti, Sukorambi, Pakusari, Kalisat, Ledokombo, Sumberjambe, Sukowono, Jelbuk, Kaliwates, and Sumbersari; 5) Rice commodity development in accordance with agribusiness principles.


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