Keywords = Seeds
Alterations in flax yield and quality in response to various mineral nutrition

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 09 December 2023


Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev; Sergei Leonidovich Belopukhov; Inna Ivanovna Dmitrevskaia; Ravil F. Baibekov

Genotypic and environmental variability of the total content of tocopherols in the seeds of inbred sunflower lines

Volume 19, Issue 5, December 2021, Pages 871-876


Nadezhda Nikolaevna Gordovskaia; Tatiana Mikhailovna Peretiagina; Tatiana Aleksandrovna Kovalenko; Yakov Nikolaevich Demurin

Quality control of industrial hemp seed products, varietal responsiveness of hemp seeds to bioregulator action

Volume 19, Issue 5, December 2021, Pages 921-928


Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev; Inna Ivanovna Dmitrevskaya; Sergey Leonidovich Belopukhov; Olga Andreevna Zharkikh