Current state of Aral bastard sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828 populations as a rare and endangered species distributed in native water bodies and domestication in artificial conditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Comprehensive Fishery Laboratory, Director of the Aral Branch of the Research and Production Center for Fisheries, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan

2 Comprehensive Fishery Laboratory, Balkhash Branch of the Research and Production Center for Fisheries, Balkhash, Kazakhstan



At present, when, as a result of human activities, the relic valuable species of sturgeons – Aral bastard sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828 in its natural habitat has died out, and in the acclimatization reservoir is on the verge of extinction, the only effective measure to restore its abundance and stocks can only be its artificial reproduction.


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Volume 22, Issue 5
Special Issue: Environmental Studies in the Caspian Littoral States, Guest Editors: Prof. Farhad Mashayekhi & Prof. Zivar Salehi
December 2024
Pages 1149-1161