A solution to reduce the environmental impacts of earthquakes: Web GIS-based forecasting

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia



The impact of earthquakes in Aceh, Indonesia, goes beyond property damage and human casualties. The destruction caused by earthquakes has intensified environmental pollution, particularly with construction waste or debris. Construction waste and debris are a significant source of air, soil, and water pollution, releasing harmful chemicals and toxins that can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health issues. The earthquake that struck Aceh in 2004, for example, resulted in a massive amount of debris that had to be cleared. The debris disposal process not only caused environmental damage, but also resulted in significant health risks for workers involved in the cleanup. The 2018 earthquake in Lombok, Indonesia, resulted in over 50,000 buildings being damaged or destroyed, generating an estimated 1.5 million tons of debris. The web GIS-based earthquake forecasting tool developed in this study has the potential to help preventing some of these environmental issues. By providing more accurate and timely earthquake predictions, this tool can help authorities better plan for post-disaster recovery efforts, including the proper management and disposal of construction waste and debris. Additionally, this tool can assist in identifying areas where construction activity should be avoided or minimized, reducing the amount of waste generated during the construction process. The application of the fuzzy time series method in the forecasting tool can improve the accuracy of earthquake predictions, making it easier to prepare for and mitigate the environmental impact of earthquakes. Overall, the web GIS-based earthquake forecasting tool developed in this study can help reducing the negative impact of earthquakes on the environment and public health. By improving our ability to predict earthquakes, we can better prepare for their aftermath, reduce the amount of waste generated during recovery efforts, and minimize the long-term environmental impact of earthquakes in Aceh, Indonesia.


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