Keywords = Air pollution
Examining odor-producing chemical gases in Gohar-Rud River and their potential effect on residents surrounding: A case study

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 28 September 2024


Azadeh Mohammadi Golrang; Fatemeh Shariati; Shahab Shariati; Mehdi Assmar

How the government and private sectors in Egypt contribute to the country's environmental issues (An environmental economic approach)

Volume 20, Issue 5, December 2022, Pages 977-984


Hussam Mohammed Wafqan; Zainab Abed Almoussawi; Nihad Abdul Karim; Tawfeeq Alghazali; Shahlaa Ali Abd Alhasan5; Mohammed Yousif Oudah Al- Muttar; Mohammed Hakki

Assessment of the pollution degree for some heavy elements in street dust around the shrine of Imam Hussein, Kerbala, Iraq

Volume 20, Issue 2, April 2022, Pages 385-391


Asaad Sh. M. Alhesnawi; Haider Naeem Al-Ashbal; Batool Shakir Abed Almjalawi

Causal effects of population growth on energy utilization and environmental pollution: A system dynamics approach

Volume 19, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 601-618


Masoud Mobaseri; Seyed Nematollah Mousavi; Mohammad Hashem Mousavi Haghighi

Status and prediction of ozone as an air pollutant in Ahvaz City, Iran

Volume 12, Issue 2, December 2014, Pages 215-224

al et; M. Masoudi