Dynamics of carbon stock on fallow lands of black soils

Document Type : Research Paper


Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 49 Timiryazevskaya St., Moscow, 127434, Russian Federation



The change in the carbon stock in the soil cover during the uplift of fallow areas on leached black soils is considered. The study compares carbon stock dynamics on fallow lands of black soils. Two objects of the study are in the central part of the Russian Federation in Penza region, which belongs to forest and forest-steppe climatic zones. Studies were carried out on two sites typical for the study area, differing in mesorelief and water regime. Object one is a fallow land of floodplain 30-year-old deposits with meadow vegetation characteristic of the region on meadow-black soil and leached black soil humus heavy loamy hydromorphic soils. The second fallow land is on 30-year-old deposits overgrown under a birch tree plantation with leached medium-humus heavy, loamy black soils. Four control sites were laid on each field, differing in the cultivation period. The carbon stock in the soil and the thickness of the arable horizon were estimated during the studies conducted. Greenhouse gas emissions were estimated using chambers that do not violate soil flows, and further analysis of the selected gases was performed on a chromatograph. The research results demonstrate the spatiotemporal dynamics of carbon dioxide emissions; the maximum values were tracked on a 30-year-old forest fallow site, and the minimum values on a meadow fallow ecosystem. The dependence of soil flows is associated with the warming of the soil cover, the density of soil horizons, and the fallowness of the territory since the amount of available carbon dioxide is increasing due to a large increase in vegetation biomass and litter. Carbon stocks in the arable horizon varied depending on the location of key sites in the relief, soil type, seasonality, and mechanized intervention of agricultural machinery.


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