Assessment of the environmental and economic efficiency of crop producers

Document Type : Research Paper


Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 49 Timiryazevskaya St., Moscow, 127434, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to developing a methodological approach to analyzing the efficiency and competitiveness of crop producers, taking into account ecological parameters to ensure the development of organic production. The authors propose a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators for a comprehensive assessment of crop producers' environmental and economic efficiency. The object of the study was 65 producers of organic and non-organic crop production of grain and mixed specialization. For comparative analysis, comparability of indicators in terms of conditions was ensured through sampling and the scientifically based sampling method, i.e., stratified sampling. The initial database contains enterprise reporting indicators and aggregated data by territories in the form of categorical data and time series. The study used the sampling method, statistical grouping, comparative analysis, and approaches to identifying trends in the time series. The study resulted in the information-analytical model for assessing the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises in order to determine the development trends of ecologically responsible and conventional crop producers. This study helps to increase attention to environmental issues in the crop production sector and to identify areas for improving the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop producers.


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