Influence of industrial, production and economic activities on the ecological state of the soil cover of the Atyrau region, Kazakhstan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2 Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3 Department of Surveying and Geodesy, Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov, K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

4 Department of the Biodiversity and Bioresources, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan



The lack of scientific knowledge about the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of the economic value of products and ecosystem services obtained from the environment, especially soil, in line with various destruction factors, has justified the change of using forest land to other profitable activities. Failure to comply with such information caused in Kazakhstan, like many other developing countries, the political and economic decision-making process regarding the current uses and future existence of environmental resources was faced with many ambiguities. In this study, the current state of the environment in Atyrau district was obtained through the collection of information and tests of water, air, sound, and soil. Environmental effects were predicted based on scientific and technical documents and through knowledge, experiences, and numerical calculations. Direct and indirect, short-term and not long-term effects were investigated and introduced. The effort to obtain the correct selections and the optimal allocation of natural resources remains under the control of the problems related to the risks and the uncertainty of the remaining evaluations. The laziness of the theoretical foundations and the neglect of practical considerations in the selection of cognitive methods for conducting economic valuation studies can lead to the destruction of the remnants of environmental fields quickly in the middle of two extremes made. The results showed that production and economic activities increase the density of the soil, increase the apparent specific weight and reduce the porosity of the soil and damage to the environment. In addition, among its benefits can be the creation of employment and relative prosperity, reduction of immigration, reduction of social corruption and pointing out the mental health of the community, regional and national importance. It also help to increase the future development plans in the region, especially in the industry sector and increasing the added value caused by the labor force, converting raw materials into consumable products in industrial production, which causes economic prosperity in this region. In this article, based on the main theoretical foundations and practical considerations related to the methodology of economic valuation studies, the main research findings on environmental valuation are reflected, and the bottlenecks and arguments needed in this regard are clarified.


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