Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Technological Modes for Obtaining Pectin from Melon

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

2 M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan



The article presents the results of studies of pectin-containing melons from melon crops of the Torpedo variety, the most common in the southern region of Kazakhstan, including Kyzylorda, Turkestan, Zhambyl, Almaty, and Zhetysu regions. Melons, after ripening, require special processing and storage conditions; under unfavorable conditions, they quickly deteriorate and become unfit for consumption. In this regard, there is a need to reduce melon losses to a minimum using resource-saving integrated technology for processing melons into components: peel, pulp, and seed materials. Based on their deep processing, it will receive nanostructured powders from these components. Studies of the content of pectin and other chemicals allow us to scientifically substantiate the principles of constructing a technological scheme for processing melons and the effective use of component powders for food production, depending on the content of pectin and other chemical elements. In this article, the effects of different hydromodule ratios on pectin yield are studied in detail. At the same time, special attention is paid to the content and production of pectin under optimal conditions of the hydromodule (1:10), taking into account the influencing technological factors such as acidity (K, deg) temperature (t, ℃) and the duration of pectin extraction (τ, hour). The article presents the scientific and practical values of pectin substances from melon and comprehensively analyses all areas of influence and technological factors on 12 quality and safety indicators from у1 to у12 pectin extract. Regression models have been developed to describe their changes. For the first time, mathematical modeling and optimization of technological modes of pectin obtained from extracts of the melon variety "Torpedo" were built.


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