Efficiency of a new artificial canal for safer release of sturgeon fry into the Caspian Sea through Bujagh Wetland, Northwestern Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


International Sturgeon Research Institute, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran



Numerous juvenile sturgeons are released into the Caspian Sea every year mainly through the Sefid-Rud River. This river has experienced various crises in the last decade including water drought, fishing, pollution, and especially the proliferation of hydraulic structures and lack of secured effective artificial canal for juvenile sturgeon release into the Caspian Sea. To challenge the problem of decreasing trends in sturgeon stocks of the Caspian Sea, a study was conducted to select and adapt a suitable, safe, and enemy-free artificial canal to safely release sturgeon juveniles to the Caspian Sea with the highest possible survival ratio. Therefore, the Kiashahr Waterway located in Bujagh Wetland, Southwest Caspian Sea was selected and investigated thoroughly as an alternative to the Sefid-Rud River. Water quality and quantity as well as sediment type were analyzed before and during the introduction of juveniles to the Kiashahr Waterway. Sturgeon juvenile release was conducted in June and July 2019 and 2020. The physical parameters of water, i.e., temperature, pH, transparency and chemical parameters including dissolved oxygen (2.41 ± 7.17 mg L-1), and orthophosphate (0.10 ± 0.27 mg L-1), nitrate (0.14 ± 1.37 mg L-1), nitrite (0.02 ± 0.03 mg L-1), ammonium (0.05 ± 0.43 mg L-1) and COD (50.2 ± 120 mg L-1) were determined. A huge pen was installed in the waterway and sturgeon fry were stocked in this pen for adaptation. Following days of adaption, some 192000 sturgeon juveniles were transported in floating cages and along the waterway to the estuary and released into the Caspian Sea safely in a very healthy shape and activity in 2019 and 2020. The survival rate of the released juveniles was monitored using a cast net (mesh size 0.7 cm) for several hours at the estuary (mesh = 0.7cm). No mortality was observed. All juveniles (100%) were transported in 12 portions, and released into the sea, and disappeared in its open waters. We suggest investigating other migration paths for the safer release of the precious sturgeon juveniles in the future to enhance the stocks in the Caspian Sea.


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