Irrigation needs of farmers based on local wisdom in the Rote Ndao District, Indonesia

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Building Engineering Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia

2 Study Program of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia



Efforts to address agricultural water scarcity in dryland areas, such as Rote Ndao, involve the implementation of micro-irrigation methods. The application of suitable irrigation technology is deemed essential for enhancing agricultural productivity and increasing farmers' income. Micro-irrigation aims to mitigate soil moisture depletion and water loss during prolonged dry seasons, ensuring the availability of water for plant growth. The integration of micro-irrigation technology with local cultural wisdom is anticipated to effectively meet the water requirements of dryland agriculture. This study presents key findings derived from the agricultural practices in Rote Ndao. It underscores the critical role of micro-irrigation in optimizing water efficiency, emphasizing the influence of soil texture on plant growth. Moreover, the study highlights the cultural guidance provided by local wisdom, shaping irrigation practices among local farmers. The findings reveal that a high level of trust within and between communities correlates with a low level of farmers' participation in rule-making processes. Conversely, increased interaction frequency between farmers and governmental officials positively influences their involvement in both rule-making and decision-making within irrigation management. The study recommends strategic interventions, including activities to enhance community experiences, knowledge, and understanding, improved communication and public relations regarding irrigation management, and a strengthened collaboration between agriculture-related government agencies and irrigation projects. These measures are proposed to foster sustainable irrigation management and mitigate conflicts of interest.


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