Sustainable gastronomy: Realizing environmental benefits through plant-based proteins and smart packaging innovations

Document Type : Reviewers


1 Department of Food Safety and Quality, Almaty Technological University, 100, Tole bi St., 050012, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2 Safety and quality of food" Department, Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3 Department of Energy Saving and Automation, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Abaya 8 St., Republic of Kazakhstan

4 Laboratory of Physiology Lymphatic System, Institute of Genetics and Physiology CS MSHE RK, 050060, 93 Al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan

5 Almaty University of Technology, Tole bi St., 100, Almaty, Kazakhstan

6 Department of Technology of Bread Products and Processing Industries, Almaty Technological University, 100, Tole bi St.,050012, Almaty, Kazakhstan

7 K.Zhubanov Aktobe Reqional University, A. Moldaqulova Avenue 34, Aktobe, Kazakhstan



Developing strategic scenarios in the food industry, regarding the limitations of water and food resources, can reduce costs while developing sustainable food and food security. Plant protein production as a safe source can provide proper and sustainable gastronomy. In this process the developing of new packaging systems that have high production capacity and customer attraction, and less consumption, can be desirable in enhancing sustainable gastronomy. In the current research, by examining the current situation of plant-based proteins in the world, the amount of plant-based protein production is presented. Also, we will discuss new innovations in food packaging and examine the role and importance of packaging in achieving sustainable gastronomy. It is expected that the expansion of new technologies and nanomaterials for smart packing system and other surfaces related to food will lead to their development in the future, along with the emergence of new polymeric and antimicrobial materials.


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