Experiments on frightening effects to fish by underwater sound emitters for diversion from dangerous areas of reservoirs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 West Kazakhstan Branch, Fisheries Research and Production Center, Uralsk Kazakhstan

2 Fisheries Research and Production Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3 Fisheries Laboratory, West Kazakhstan Branch, Fisheries Research and Production Center, Uralsk, Kazakhstan



Large reservoirs have areas dangerous for fish. For instance, water intake facilities, hydroelectric dams, etc. Therefore, it becomes necessary to protect or divert fish from such areas. One way to achieve this is to use loud underwater sound. Most fish are sensitive to noise. Acoustic underwater speakers, developed in recent years, transmit full-fledged sound information underwater. This made it possible to study the possibilities of scaring away fish by underwater sounds of various volumes and frequencies. The purpose of the experiments was the following: to set the dynamics of the sound volume attenuation, with increasing distance from the sound source; to study the fish reaction to different types of acoustic signal; to study the effectiveness of scaring fish with sounds of various volumes and frequencies; to set the duration of the effect of single and multiple acoustic scaring.


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