Comparative study of symbiotic activity of legumes when using Risotorphin and Epin-extra

Document Type : Research Paper


Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow, Russia



In a vegetation experiment with soybean plants of the Svapa and Mageva varieties and in a field experiment with bean plants of the Geliada and Shokoladnitsa varieties, we studied the effect of pre-sowing treatment of the seeds of these plants with Rizotorfin and Epin-extra on the nitrogenase activity of the nodules of these plants and their ultrastructure. The highest indices of the mass and number of nodules and the activity of nitrogenase in them were found in bean plants of the Heliada cultivar when the seeds were treated with Epin-extra against the background of inoculation with Rizotorfin, so that, the largest area of ​​symbiosomes, volutin and their number was noted in the nodules. Beans of the Shokoladnitsa variety showed the protective effect of Rizotorfin. In the nodules of soybean plants of the Svapa variety, the seeds of which were treated with Epin-extra against the background of inoculation with Rizotorfin, the presence of a large number of symbiosomes, bacteroids, volutin inclusions with a larger area and a minimum number of inclusions of poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) was noted, as well as the highest indicators of symbiotic activity. Soybean plants of the Mageva variety showed the protective effect of Rizotorfin.


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