Eucalyptus replanting model through system dynamic method a solution to current environmental pollution

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 20155, Padang Bulan, Medan Baru, Medan, Indonesia



Green culture is being promoted all over the world. One application of go green means changing the use of plastic into paper bags made from pulp from the felling of eucalyptus trees. Population growth also has implications for increasing demand for eucalyptus trees, causing a shortage of raw material supplies at various pulp and paper companies in Indonesia, India, Australia, and European countries. Lack of supply of raw materials triggers arrangements to maximize the available land area. Replanting is one arrangement to maximize the amount of eucalyptus produced in a limited area. However, the current unavailability of a replanting support system is an obstacle. This study aims to develop a decision support system for eucalyptus replanting activities using a supply-demand approach to pulp production and a simulation approach modeled by System Dynamics (SD). Then the simulation results were analyzed using MAPE and APE. Analysis of the MAPE value of 8.2%. For the Average Percentage Error (APE) value, there is a deviation of 1% in 2019. This indicates that the possibility of deviations occurring is minimal, and the MAPE value is below 10%, so the designed model is valid. The average increase rate in the span of 15 years are 4.954 tons for wood production, 161,58 Ha for total replanting area, and Rp 4.024.461.525.257,7 for total cost.
