Strategies for strengthening the rural economic base in stimulating the growth of Bone Bolango Regency

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang - East Java, Indonesia



This study aims to formulate a model for the development of rural areas in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. This study was conducted using a descriptive research model built on regional economic theories with regional economic analysis measuring instruments. The locus of study was focused on rural areas in 18 sub-districts in Bone Bolango Regency. Sampling for SWOT analysis is carried out by Purposive Sampling, where respondents are selected based on criteria that are considered relevant and have the knowledge and ability to provide information about problems and research objectives. The sample that was successfully collected was 179 respondents consisting of representatives of government officials, business actors, experts (lecturers/practitioners), village governments, farmer leaders, and fishermen. Data analysis for rural economic bases using Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share where all rural areas are sampled. Analysis of strengthening strategies on the basis of the rural economy uses SWOT analysis tools to dissect internal and external factors. The results showed that several sectors include the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors; mining and quarrying sector; the manufacturing industry sector; electricity and gas procurement sector; and the transportation and warehousing sector has a coefficient value of LQ>1 which means that the sector is the leading base sector of the Bone Bolango Regency area and is very prospect to continue to be developed. The results of the SWOT analysis found that the strategy of strengthening the economic base in the Bone Bolango patent was in an aggressive position (Quadrant 1). Strategies to strengthen the rural economic base that need to be implemented based on the position of quadrant 1 are: 1) increasing the competitiveness & productivity of a sustainable village economic base and integrated with superior commodity-based industries through business investment instruments and utilizing village development budgets based on rural typology characteristics. 2) strengthening the connectivity of rural areas with district service centers, especially mountainous and coastal areas, and 3) provision of economic facilities at the district center as a rural service center through strengthening business investment and government budgets.


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