Trypsin-based diet for the growth indices of Spanish mackerel

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anesthesia Techniques Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babylon, Iraq

2 Al-Nisour University College, Baghdad, Iraq

3 College of Medical Technology, Medical Lab Techniques, Al-farahidi University, Iraq

4 Department of Medical Laboratory Technics, Al-Zahrawi University College, Karbala, Iraq

5 Medical Laboratory Techniques Department, Hilla University College, Babylon, Iraq

6 Medical Laboratory Technology Department, College of Medical Technology, The Islamic University, Najaf, Iraq

7 Microbiology Research Group, College of Pharmacy, Al-Ayen University, Thi-Qar, Iraq

8 Department of Pharmacy, Ashur University College, Baghdad, Iraq

9 Altoosi University College, Najaf, Iraq

10 College of Veterinary Medicine, Hama University, Hama, Syria

11 College of Veterinary Medicine, Al Furat University, Deirez-Zor, Syria

12 Plant Nutrition Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt


To protect the sustainability of the aquaculture industry, fishmeal is being replaced with alternative feed ingredients such as plant-based protein components. However, most plant-based feedstuffs contain a wide array of anti-nutritional factors. These factors can potentially hinder nutrient consumption, which in turn can interfere with fish health and performance. Protease enzyme supplements can reverse the impacts of anti-nutritional factors and enhance fish growth. This study aimed to incorporate the trypsin enzyme into the food of Spanish mackerel and explore its effects on growth factors, body composition, and blood biochemical parameters. This study was a fully-randomized experiment with three treatments and three replications. This experiment was carried out as a completely randomized design with three treatments and three replications, and the trypsin enzyme was added to the fish diet at different levels: 0%, 0.015%, and 0.025%. For a timeframe of 60 days, the fish were given experimental diets. The growth indices considered were: specific growth rate (SGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), condition factor (CF), feed conversion ratio (FCR), weight gain percentage (WGP), and hepatic steatosis index (HSI). The results showed that FCR, PER, SGR, and WGP at enzyme levels of 0.015% and 0.025% were substantially different from the control group.


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