Impact of environmental risks on key parameters of development of regional sectors of economy (Case study: Agricultural industry in the Republic of Tatarstan)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

2 Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use Problems, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


The region's economy forms and develops in the wake of a whole set of external and internal factors. At the same time, despite the recent stable trends in the popularization of intangible factors of production in models of economic growth, it should be noted that material production factors undoubtedly retain their relevance and highest importance. In this regard, their research is currently an important research task. The article describes the main approaches to assessing one of the key material factors of production - the ecological and economic infrastructure, which provides the basis for the development of the most important sectors of the economy, including, undoubtedly, agriculture. As a result of the study, the principles for assessing environmental and economic risks in complex spatially distributed systems have been formulated. Environmental and economic risk (EER) has been shown as a function of three states of the system: impact, response (sustainable efficiency) and productivity. At the same time, the degree of impact clearly increases the risk of destabilization of the system, the stability of the system absorbs the environmental, and productivity compensates for the economic component of the risk. On the basis of the constructed economic and mathematical model, a significant influence of the growth of risks of violation of the ecological balance of the territory on the economic parameters of the development of agriculture in the region is proved.


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