Caspian Sea level changes and its impact on coastal economy

Document Type : Research Paper


Baku State University, Caspian Research and Information Center Z. Khaiilov str. 23, 370148 Baku, Azerbaijan


The peculiarities associatedwith the sea changes as well as reasons determining the natures of environmental changes are considered in this paper.Here, the emphasis is given to the consequences associated with the sea level changes that impact upon the state of economy of the coastal areas. The most negative consequences in terms of the sea level rising that took place during the last 20 years were observed in the mostly developed coastal areas. Due to it, serious damage was caused to the economy of these zones. One of these areas is the coast of Absheron peninsula where a number of enterprises of oil complex are concentrated. Analysis of general regularities of the Caspian Sea changes for the last 150 years alloflws us to distinguish the totality of climatic and tectonic factors, which are considered to be determining factors in natural processes occurring in the region. Today Caspian region is one of the most attractive regions of the world where one can observe an intensive increase of production aimed at development of natural resources of the sea and coastal areas. Together with it the main task here is to consider the established regularities of the Caspian Sea level changes which gain a special attension for designing and selecting areas of location and construction of agricultural and recreation objects.
Key words: Natural factors, Sea level changes, Coastal areas, Coastal economy, Oil
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