Climatic potential of sport tourism in Anzali-Rezvanshahr coastal belt, South-west of Caspian Sea, Iran


1 Dept. of Physical Geography, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Iran.

2 Dept. of Geography and Tourism Planning, USM, Malaysia. * Corresponding author's E-mail:


The goal of this research is to identify eco-tourist capabilities and to determine temporal and spatial suitable area in order to attract athletic tourism in the north of Iran from Anzali coast to Rezvanshahr. Investigation method in this research is deseriptive – analytic based on using attributive / library studies and due to existing capabilities in this region, the climatic rest area had been specified by performing Beicker and Olgay climogram method and had been dealt with studying the relation of climate with athletic coastal activities such as swimming, Aerial sports, football, parachuting and Athletics Track. Finally, regarding the results from above three methods, a communality was taken for more exact determination of human climatic rest area and suitable temporal area of performing athletic activities. The results had been indicated that in Anzali coastal belt to Rezvanshahr, June, July, August, and September are enjoying human rest climate where in Anzali shore June is suitable for Aerial sports and swimming. July and August are useful for swimming and September have temporate climate for football in Rezvanshahr shore. June and July are suitable for football and swimming. August have temporate climate for swimming and September is enjoy from an optimal condition for playing football and parachuting .So, regarding the results, we can engaged with optimal planning in order to attract naturalist and specially to attract athletic tourism.
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