Ecological politics and sustainability of Arabic coffee (Coffea arabica L) in Timor Leste

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agricultural Science, Hasanuddin University of Postgraduate, Makassar, Indonesia

2 Faculty of Agriculture Hasanuddin University Makassar Indonesia

3 Department of Socioeconomic, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar,Indonesia



The research has been carried out in three districts consisting of Liquica, Ermera, and Ainaro districts, from January 2021 to January 2022. The location was chosen with consideration: (i) Geographically Liquica district represents lowland areas with an altitude of 700-900 m asl, Ermera district represents moderate plains with an altitude of 1000-1400 m asl and Ainaro district represents highland areas with an altitude of 1500-1750 m asl; (ii) Ecology of coffee farming in the districts of Liquica, Ermera and Ainaro under the supervision of the agriculture and plantation service. This study aimed to determine the ecological characteristics of arabica coffee farming in Timor Leste and to analyse the ecological politics and sustainability of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabika L) farming in Timor Leste. The type of research used in this study was a case study. The research method used was Mix-methods, i.e., a research approach that combines or associates qualitative and quantitative forms in the data collection stage. Respondents were selected as many as 180 coffee farmers using Purposive Sampling Technique. Respondent characteristic data were analysed descriptively, and data related to ecological politics on the sustainability of coffee farming management were analysed using multiple linear regression, continuing with the T test. The results showed that from the aspect of farmers' characteristics, they still needed improvement and assistance considering that the age of the farmer was dominated by 51-56 years (30%), with relatively low formal education, only elementary school by 40%. Political ecological analysis of the sustainability of coffee farming from the social aspect, community aspect and product responsibility aspect displayed a very significant effect (p < 0.01) and for environmental aspects it has a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the sustainability of coffee farming. Meanwhile, the economic and labour aspects exhibited no significant effect.


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