Effect of cash subsidy on the quantity of domestic waste (Case study: Rasht, North of Iran)


1 B. Tavakoli1* and F. Bagheri Zonoz2

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Releasing prices and performing cash subsidy payment to all applicants with a different income level create differences in the method of household function and different services of organizations including waste and recycling management organization. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cash subsidy payment on the quantity of domestic waste in Rasht (Guilan province, Iran). The waste mass was determined by counting garbage vehicles. After determining the amount of waste mass, statistical analyses were done before and after \"cash subsidy payment policy\" performance. The obtained results showed that there is a significant difference between the amount of wastes materials in different periods of time (p<0.05). Therefore, the most amounts of wastes materials were produced in the first half of 2010 (with 15718 number of ply) while the least amounts were observed in the first half of 2008 (with 10055 cases). There was a significant difference between both halves of years in terms of waste production. But, the analyses of data obtained from 2008 through 2010 showed that the growth of producing waste materials in Rasht from November to December has been reduced by the beginning of cash payment of subsidy, so that it was grown 1.06% from November- through December, -8.16% in December, -14.62% from January- through February, -18.38 from February- through March, showing 24.49% in average growth in comparison to months prior to performing this policy. So the quantity of produced wastes in Rasht has been reduced after releasing the prices and paying cash subsidy. This situation caused by some reasons such as decreasing purchase power, and also citizens tendency to purchase more qualitative products and also complete use and saving food (70% of household wastes).


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