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The Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences (CJES) is an open-access peer-reviewed international quarterly journal devoted to all fields of environmental sciences, published by the University of Guilan and is scientifically sponsored by the Association of Universities of the Caspian Region States. It is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original research articles, review articles, etc., considering the research ethics and academic rules and regulations. The journal aims to publish research and review papers on the most recent issues and developments in the field. All papers are subject to a double-blind reviewing process. Papers in any of the following fields will be considered: Climate change, environmental law, and politics, environmental economics, environmental pollution, waste management, biodegradation and bioremediation, aquatic and terrestrial ecology, forest ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems, biodiversity, watershed hydrology, sustainable development, conservation, environmental evaluation and land use planning, animal and plant biology, hydrobiology and hydrochemistry. All research articles related to the Caspian Sea are of priority for publication. Reviews, Reports and opinions, and Short Communication are also published. All manuscripts should be submitted through our Journal online submission system. Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files directly to our office and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. 


About the Journal:

Journal Title: Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences

Country of Publication: Sowmehsra, Guilan, Iran.

Publisher: University of Guilan

Scientific Sponsorship Society: Association of Universities of the Caspian Region States

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Masoud Sattari

Managing Editor: Professor Taymour Rostami Shahraji

Executive Manager: Professor Soleiman Mohammadi Limaei

Subject Area: Aquatic and terrestrial ecology | Biodegradation and bioremediation | Environmental economics | Environmental sciences | Environmental law and politics | Environmental pollution | Waste management | Watershed hydrology.

Format: Print and Online

Print    ISSN: 1735-3033

Online ISSN: 1735-3866

Frequency: Quarterly

Language: English

Open Access: Yes, free access to articles

Article types: Research and review papers.

Primary Review: 10 days, approximately.

Peer Review Policy: Double-blind peer-review

Average refereeing time: 12 weeks

Acceptance percentage: 20%

Article Processing Charges:  Yes. Publication charges are required from the author (Iranian authors must pay 7,000,000 Iranian Rials for review costs and publication after acceptance | Publication fees for international authors: 250 US dollars (after acceptance).

Citation Style: The Harvard referencing style




Address: Office of the Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Sowmeh Sara 1144, Guilan, Iran

Telephone: +98(0)13-44320895. Fax: +98(0)13-44333600

Indexing & AbstractingScopus, Zoological Record, CABI database, CAB Abstracts, Veterinary Science Database, AGRIS, ProQuest, ProQuest: Agricultural & Environmental Science Database, Aquatic Commons, AquaDocs, ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, EBSCO: Arab World Research Source: Al Masdar, EBSCO: Environment Complete, EBSCO: Environment Index, EBSCOhost, DOAJ, SJR: Scimago, FidMath, Ulrich's, Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), SID, Noormags, Magiran, Iran Journals, Google Scholar, Academia, Linkedin, etc.

COPE: The Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences (CJES) follows the policies and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct in dealing with potential cases of misconduct.

Copyright: Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.

Type of License: Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Required files to be uploaded: Five essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript (without the names of the authors), 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file), and 5. Cover letter.


Current Issue: Volume 22, Issue 5, December 2024 (Special Issue: Environmental Studies in the Caspian Littoral States, Guest Editors: Prof. Farhad Mashayekhi & Prof. Zivar Salehi) 

Behavioral adaptations of Arctic fox, Vulpes lagopus in response to climate change

Pages 1011-1019


Serik Narbayev; Guldana Minzhanova; Olga Zubova; Bobur Toshbekov; Mamataliyev Abdumalik Rasulovich; Bayramdurdi Sapaev; Amanov Abdijabbor Sattarovich; Xudoyberdiyeva Nazora; Kurbanov G’olib Tolmasovich; Abdullaev Dadakhon Murodbekovich; Ikrom Nasimov; Rasulova Matluba Khamzaevna; Turakulova Iroda Khudaynazarovna

Biochemical analysis of the Caspian Sea sediments: Implications for environmental pollution and bioremediation

Pages 1021-1032


Aigul Mamataeva; Askhat Kuatbayev; Kristina Gartsiyanov; Umirzokov Azamat Abdurashidovich; Abdiyeva Flora; Makhmudova Gulrukh Ravshanbekovna; Tulakov Ulugbek Toshmamatovich; Bobojonov Otabek Khakimboy ugli; I.B. Sapaev; Dilshodbek Mamasoatov; Bilolova Zamira Bakhtiyarovna; Eshpulatov Nodir Mamatqurbonovich; Mansur Kholmirzaev

Impacts of environmental factors on milk starter culture performance in sustainable dairy production

Pages 1033-1042


Burkhanov Aktam Usmanovich; Boltaeva Klara Shamuratovna; Batirova Raxima Abdujabbarovna; Jalalova Vazira Zamirovna; Akramova Feruza Akmalovna; Hashimova Sabohat Abdullayevna; Gavxar Zokirova; Komilov Akhmadjon Qalandar o’g’li; Tagaev Ishmamat; Mardanova Ashurjon Tursunbayevna; Isaev Sabirjan Xusanbayevich; Dilnavoz Shavkidinova; Saporbaev Kupalboy Oybek ugli

Comparative analysis of antimicrobial properties of medicinal plants used in veterinary medicine

Pages 1043-1053


Gulzhaina Alpamyssova M. Auezov; Rakhat Pernebekova; Nurzipa Saparbayeva M. Auezov; Zafar Khayitov Uzakovich; Toshmirza Rakhmonov; Tillashaykhova Khosiat Azamatovna; Sergey Kharchenko; Khayitov Jamshid Komil ugli; Abdiev Zafarali Toshtemirovich; L. Suvonova; Shermatova Gulchehra Djumanazarovna; Panjiyeva Nasiba Narmaxmatovna; Rasulov Ilkhom Inamovich

Comprehensive analysis of amino acid profile in camel milk: Implications for nutrition and sustainable development

Pages 1055-1064


Kuanysh Syman; Raushangul Uazhanova; Zhulduz Suleimenova; Rakhmatova Markhabo Rasulovna; , Elnura Xamdamova; Kuryozov Urinboy Sabirovich; N. Esanmurodova; Rustem Shichiyakh; Sabirova Nadira Kamiljanovna; Nasirova Saodat Abdullayevna; Sullieva Suluv Khurramovna; Khushbok Bobonazarovich Narbutaev; Bakhtiyor Menglikulov

Conservation and rational use of the gene pool of mountain horses of Dagestan

Pages 1065-1074


Vladimir A. Demin; Inna B. Tsyganok; Yusupzhan A. Yuldashbayev; Nariman M. Nimatulaev; Abdusalam A. Khozhokov

Impact analysis of cow skin cleaning methods on heat stress

Pages 1087-1095


Yurij G. Ivanov; Dmitry A. Ponizovkin; Arina A. Odintsova

Adaptation of woody and fruit berry plants in arid conditions of the Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden, Aktau, Kazakhstan

Pages 1097-1116


Akzhunis Imanbayeva; Ivan Belozerov; Dinara Zharassova; Gulnara Gassanova,; Aidyn Orazov; Zhanna Musaeva; Nurzhaugan Duisenova; Akimzhan Lukmanov

Fraxinus sogdiana Bunge forests in Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan

Pages 1117-1131


Ruslan Salmurzauly; Anar Myrzagaliyeva; Serik Irsaliyev; Talant Samarkhanov; Aidyn Orazov; Sabir Nurtazin; Mirzakul Altynbek; Boltaev Sagynysh

Acclimatization influence on the formation of the maral, Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 parasites fauna in the Northern Tien Shan, Kazakhstan

Pages 1163-1171


Оmarkhan Berkinbay; Maratbek Suleimenov; Bayzhan Omarov; Almas Tuganbay; Maxat Berdikulov; Yerkegali Baimukhanbetov; Gulmira Utebayeva

Assessment of Water-salt regime of Irrigation system

Pages 1173-1181


Assel Abdibay; Kanat Anuarbekov; Nurzhan Mukhamadiyev; Gulnaz Mengdibayeva

Optimization of the process of cryopreservation of Beluga, Huso huso semen using various cryoprotectants

Pages 1183-1189


A.S. Assylbekova; K.N. Syzdykov; G.K. Barinova; G.A. Aubakirova; Zh.B. Kuanchaleyev; A.D. Mussina; S.E. Mussin

Morphometric changes in the heart of rats with alloxan and streptozotocin diabetes

Pages 1199-1206


Saule Zhautikova; Kulash Nurseitova; Lyubov Piven; Tatyana Kim; Irina Baryshnikova; Gulnur Bakaramova; Arailym Amantayeva; Zhadyra Orynbayeva

Natural factors of formation and development of geosystems in the Qaratal River basin, Kazakhstan

Pages 1207-1213


Gaukhar Sadvakassova; Tursynkul Bazarbayeva; Nurbolat Dzhexenbayev; Saule Nurtileuova; Tamara Torobekova; Almat Yerdesbay; Zhazira Bazarbayeva; Kundyz Nakysbekova

Ecological monitoring of the biodiversity sustainability in the regions of Southern Kazakhstan during observed drought

Pages 1215-1222


Rimma Turekeldiyeva; Rakhat Kurmanbayev; Zhanat Idrisheva; Natalya Korogod; Shilibek Kenzhegali; Almira Bukunova; Manira Zhamanbayeva; Madina Daniyarova

Method for environmental protection of fish from going into water discharge facilities

Pages 1223-1231


Artur Tumenov; Kuanysh Isbekov; Arkadiy Kim; Dmitry Pilin; Naurzbai Bulekov

Epizootic measures against infectious and viral animal diseases in Kazakhstan

Pages 1243-1253


Damir Khussainov; Karligash Mukhatayeva; Zhadyra Ashirova; Zura Yessimsiitova; Alibek Mutushev; Nursaule Idayat; Ayaulym Davletova; Aidana Karbozova

Environmental and socio-economic factors in the location of organic crop production

Pages 1255-1270


Natalya F. Zaruk; Maria V. Kagirova; Yulia N. Romantseva; Elena S. Kolomeeva; Rishat A. Migunov; Anastasia S. Babanskaya

Ensuring quality and safety in the production and storage of poultry meat

Pages 1271-1277


Raushangul Uazhanova; Zamzagul Moldakhmetova; Ulbala Tungyshbayeva; Raushan Izteliyeva; Sholpan Amanova; Galymbek Baimakhanov; Shakhsanam Seksenbay; Sultan Sabraly

Ensuring quality and safety in the production and storage of grain crops

Pages 1279-1284


Talgat Kulazhanov; Raushangul Uazhanova; Lyazzat Baybolova; Yerkin Yerzhigitov; Aliya Kemerbekova; Kamilya Tyutebayeva; Assel Izembayeva; Sholpan Zhengiskyzy

Biological protection of black currant from phytophages

Pages 1285-1291


Nagima Tumenbayeva; Bekzat Mombayeva; Aliya Kushenbekova; Laila Kaliyeva; Meiramgul Mussina; Gulbaram Nurgaliyeva; Rinat Sarsengaliyev; Roza Sarmanova

Phytochemical study of milk thistle, Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.

Pages 1293-1299


Moldir Tileshova; Zura Yessimsiitova; Feruza Alseitova; Zhanar Chunetova; Nariman Pravin; Zhanar Tileubayeva; Tolganay Ryskali; Gulmira Yeltay

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